How can we expand on the notion of Allyship in our field? What are some successes, as well as challenges?Our goal with this event is to further the efforts of many people in our industry. Sharing this at the Yale School of Architecture will help students, alums and our design communities understand their agency.
This event is hosted by YWA and moderated by Equality In Design at the YSoA.
Organizers: Lilly Agutu, Yale M Arch '22, Dominiq Oti, Yale M Arch '22,
Sara Caples '74, principal at Caples Jefferson Architects. Caples Jefferson perceives architecture as a dignified, poignant means to shape perceptions of a place, its attributes and potential.
Ming Thompson '04, principal at Atelier Cho Thompson. As a practicing architect, Ming is focused on bettering human experience through design; she insists that good design must occur at all scales, from the building to the furniture to the logo, and everything in between. She is the recepient of the AIA Young Architect Award for 2020.
Amanda Bridges '15, job captain at Walker Warner Architects.
Joel Sanders, YSoA Lecturer and principal at JSA/Mix Design. Along with his award-winning architecture firm, he started MIXdesign as a new inclusive design consultancy that promotes human connectivity among people of different ages, genders, disabilities, races and religions, enabling progressive institutions, government agencies and companies to recruit and retain diverse talent.